A Closer Look at What Operation Dark Divide Brings to the Black Ops 4 Black Market
The latest Operation in Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4 has enough new items in store through the Black Market and Contraband streams to make you feel like a real hero… or villain.
A hero can’t be seen without a super suit and weaponry, especially when they are a part of Dark Divide, the latest Operation in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. To gear up for a heroic battle visit the Black Market and Contraband stream. You’ll find a multitude of items to deck out any arsenal within a hero’s fortress or villainous lair.
Here are a few highlights across the 50 Contraband Tiers and Black Market that you can get during this Operation:

Contraband Stream
“Mega Hurtz” Jump Pack – At Tier 5, find new jump pack threads that add a visually dynamic element into your descent. The wings of the jump pack are a mix of a brilliant blue with a radio signal aspired aesthetic so you can channel the will to survive when you drop in to Blackout.
“Blood Moon” Outrider Outfit – At Tier 15, you can earn a superhero themed outfit for Outrider. The sleek outfit with a hood and cape can have you feeling powered up and prepared to eliminate your enemies.
“Magic Carpet Ride” Mastercraft – Take a trip on a “Magic Carpet Ride” with this Mastercraft unlocked at Tier 25. It won’t make you soar, but the bullets coming out of this weapon will definitely fly!
“Cpt. Catalyst” Battery Outfit – Turn Battery into a badass superhero after unlocking this outfit at Tier 40. With a state-of-the-art, weathered, and battle-tested armor suit, Battery will look ready to tackle the Dark Divide.
“Ohm Theory” Death Effect – Finish off your enemies with a shockwave with this Death Effect, unlocked at Tier 49. The crackle of electricity that emits from opponents when you down them will be a spark that gets your ready to take out your next foe.
Ultra Weapon Bribe — At the end of the Contraband, you’ll receive an Ultra Weapon Bribe. The bribe is a crate containing three items: a guaranteed ranged Black Market weapon – or a new Black Market weapon variant if you own at least one variant of all Black Market weapons – and two items from Reserves.

Black Market
AN94 Assault Rifle – “Full-auto assault rifle. Reliable damage with less recoil and a fast firing first bullet that rewards precision.” Originating in Call of Duty®: Black Ops II, master the unique initial quickfire of this deadly assault rifle and reap the benefits.
VMP Submachine Gun – “Full-auto submachine gun. Fast firing with more ammo and slower handling.” A throwback weapon from Black Ops III, the VMP is something worth considering for players on the move. It can quickly fire off rounds to get the first jump on a foe, and with ammo to spare you can take down multiple enemies before pausing to reload.
Echohawk Dual Bore Assault Rifle – “Full-auto double-barreled assault rifle. Largest ammo pool in class with improved damage. The Echohawk’s unique firing system makes for a powerful one-two punch within the Assault Rifle category.
Magmageddon Firebreak – Liquid hot magma courses through the veins of Firebreak in this outfit found at Blackjack’s Shop. With this villain outfit, Firebreak looks as hot as the flames of the Purifier.
Stuhlinger – The zombie-slaying conspiracy theorist from the Victis crew is dropping into Blackout. Look for a Special Order featuring Stuhlinger in the Black Market.
These are just a few of the items available now in the Black Market and the Contraband stream. Jump into a match on Black Ops 4 and gear up with hero and villain-themed items available during Operation Dark Divide. Check out the Black Market throughout the Operation for new heroic and villainous goods, so you can choose your side in this epic battle of good versus evil.