Cabin Fever director Eli Roth signs on for the Borderlands movie, alleges report

Update, February 21, 1.48pm:
“I’m so excited to dive into the world of Borderlands, and I could not be doing it with a better script, producing team and studio. I have a long, successful history with Lionsgate—I feel like we have grown up together and that everything in my directing career has led to a project of this scale and ambition,” said director Eli Roth in a statement given to The Hollywood Reporter. That’s that, then.
Original story, February 20, 10.50am:
Eli Roth, director of Cabin Fever, Hostel, and The Green Inferno, has been brought onto the Borderlands movie adaptation (via Kotaku).
Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford made the announcement on Twitter, and told his followers to attend the Gearbox Main Theatre Show at the imminent PAX East 2020 to find out more. Then, the post was suddenly deleted. It’s possible that Pitchford revealed the reveal before he’d gotten the green light. But, the tweet did feature Roth’s head on a Psycho’s body, and said “Welcome to the Borderlands family!” We could be confident about the director’s attachment to the adaptation, then. Or, perhaps Pitchford has made lots of these for lots of different directors and he accidentally posted the wrong one.
We’ll bide our time till an official announcement stays online for more than five minutes. Though it won’t follow the events of the series very closely, the movie is said to be chockablock with R-rated humour from scriptwriter Aaron Berg. Avi and Ari Arad are set to produce Lionsgate’s Borderlands, and the story will centre around the siren, Lilith. She will be tasked with the rescue of Tiny Tina, and she’ll enlist miscellaneous Vault Hunters to assist, like Krieg and Claptrap. Gearbox creative director Paul Sage said he’d love to see Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Claptrap... watch this space?